Angela Jack
“My actions changed during soar, compared to what I was doing before in that I’ve developed more structures daily where I didn’t know what to do on a daily basis. I’ve now been able to do some structure just because soar was able to kind of piece it together for me, where I didn’t have that before,
This has impacted the foundations by just allowing me to have more scripts so that I can put together. What’s kind of my own brand into the scripts and be able to listen to my folks when I meet with them, whether they’re buyers or for sellers, I can kind of lead off of what I say, and then I can listen to them better. So that’s really helped me
This program has impacted my confidence by just basically giving me something to almost like a coat hanger. I have this coat hanger and now I can put something on there where before I didn’t have that. So it’s really made a big difference for me.
The saying on awareness is my favorite ICON maxim, where I think it says awareness is what makes the change. When I’m aware of something, then I’m very analytical – so then I can take that and then it makes a change for me. What advice would you give to somebody? My advice is to do it, especially if you’re a new agent or even if you’ve been at it for 30 years to do it quickly and to get involved and to take the whole program. Now, just take what you want, but realize that you might feel a little bit overwhelmed but just take what you can and then grow on that as your foundation.”
– Angela Jack, Fathom Realty, Dallas, TX
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